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The good and the bad

The closed Gants Hill Cinema gets more customers than when it was open!Submitted: 02 May 2002

The recently closed Gants Hill cinema enjoyed more customers through the door per hour than than when it actually open. There was an illegal rave held there last Saturday, which lasted right through until Monday afternoon. What a hangover that must have resulted.
A rather large number of people attended. One paper reports 1000 people, another reports 2000, so either the reporters lost count using their handheld clickers, the cinema ticket machine ran out of paper or these numbers were plucked out of the air.
The managing company said 'Last week this was a perfect cinema'. (I recon a perfect cinema lets customers watch movies - Ed).
There was internal damage, graffiti, and chairs ripped. One resident observed: "There were people full of drugs walking around with vicious dogs.". There was disription to local business.

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