Ilford Essex in Redbridge Greater London

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She came...she saw...she loved us! Who? The Queen!Submitted: 22 May 2002

She came...she saw...she loved us! Who? The Queen! The Queen and the Duke Of Edinburgh visited Ilford on the 9th May 2002. They arrived at their unlikely destination, the Redbridge Lane West allotments. The allotments have been adapted for use by people with learning difficulties. As you would expect, the crowd was full of old people waving Union flags, and young primary school children who don't really have a clue (see below). She wore a red coat and purple hat. She went on a walkabout looking at the various plants and chatted to well-wishers. Before she left she was given a basket of vegetables that were grown on the site (£1000 bet they ended in the bin, anyone?). She left giving a smile and a wave. Some children were interviewed afterwords. What follows is not a bunch of serious typographical errors, wandering subjects or confused tenses but what they said (bless 'em!)
"I want to see how old she looks."
Its quite nice to see the Queen because I liked her mother and it's my birthday today so it's two nice things".

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