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Water leak fixed after 12 months!Submitted: 01 Jun 2002

Seven houses in Fairlop had low water pressure for a year after a pipe leak, rendering them unable to run showers, washing machines and baths. The problem has now been fixed, but I have seen some differing reports as to how it got fixed. Thames Water would not fix it as because the leak was beyond the 'outside stop valve' so required payment to fix it. Some residents agreed to pay but some didn't so there was no work done.

The Ilford Recorder and another report I have seen states that MP Linda Perham used her influence to talk to Thames Water and as a result of this it got fixed. However the Ilford Recorder quoted a Thames Water spokesman in the next paragraph saying that 'they agreed to pay when the problem worsened and they ran out of water altogether. The final price was £300 per property'. So what exactly did Linda Perham do? It sounds to me like she merely convinced the residents to pay up! If you can clarify matters, please add a comment to this story below!

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