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Ilford Christmas lights switch on - IN PICTURES!Submitted: 13 Nov 2002

Tonight was the switch on of the Ilford Christmas/seasonal Lights. It took place in the High Road and featured a lantern parade, with the lanterns each made by local children. The road's Christmas lights were then switched on by the Mayor, Cllr Dev Sharma in front of a packed out crowd, mainly young children with their parents. The fun started there as there was a fireworks show on top of The Exchange. Some fireworks were clearly ill-planned and prompted bouts of laughter as some pathetically small ones were set off, barely visible only by the tallest people. There was a machine that sprayed copious amounts of confetti around the High Road, clearly pleasing the kids as the confused ones amongst them attempt to create snowballs and snowmen out of them. There were various live acts - Ram Hans, Eastern Promise, Pat C and Redbridge Gospel Choir. It's good to see the current wave of industrial action did not affect tonight - the street cleaners are currently on strike, and the fireworks commenced just as the country's firemen started their 48 hour strike.

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