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Redbridge Green Fair 2005...IN PICTURESSubmitted: 01 Jun 2005

Are you interested in how the Redbridge Green Fair 2007 went?

The Redbridge Green Fair 2005 was today. A large mix of activities for children and adults, competitions, education, organic vegetarian food, stands raising awareness of green activities, campagners drumming up support and dishing out leaflets for various causes, and live bands on three stages.

[Click here to see pictures from this superb event]

A review from a fellow visitor:

Walking through valentine park I was drawn to the steady beat of drums and guitar could it be...? Ocean Colour Scene! Nope! It was the Stoves trying to sound like em!! Not bad appear to be quite a versatile group with many musical instruments being incorporated (sax, flute) as with all bands these days they were too loud and I think buzzing!!! moving on to the give and take tent cool didn't realize they had a stall like that would have contributed plenty! Anyway green awareness is good because we waste so much! The sweet shop in my opinion was too expensive but that's just me. The highlight for me were my first english fresh doughnuts wonderful! On to stage no.2 hmm Dr. ? and the Prescriptions not bad they seemed to have done this often never heard the songs before as with stage 1. Moving on pass some people who appear to think they are in the sixties. Its all good. Lots of organic food stalls :-( Got hustled in to taking poart in the wildlife quiz for 20p learned a bit so no probs and am thinking of a pond for the garden!! I was quite taken up with the clown nice touch and the colourful drummers who were way on the other end of the grounds were good. Teen band that's in the photo section get back to school and learn to speak clearly and err play music? Amidst the green awareness were the anti war and healing stalls breezed by em thus no comment. The time was right for stage No.2 Lizzie B acoustic guitar someone i recall felt sorry for her because there was nobody at the stage when she started but after all the noise before her who could blame the crowd but whats this into her first song the tent is filled! Some chappi decides to take a photo and our performer forget her words totally cool but the tent kept filling up and why you ask? Ever hear mum sing a lullaby? Soothing yeah? Well Lizzie B provided a calming melow smooth string of songs that made the green fair bareable to a point!! After all the soothing I could take my stomach informed me its time so I indulged in a wrap very very nice although vegetarian and as I was leaving I was forced to pass stage no.1 Steve Hooker was playing!! Legend I was told yipes sounded like the stoves all noise!! Why can't british music produce another Beatles? Anyway as you may guess exit was fast although the fact we had to pass the mobile toilets helped in the speedy exit. However I must say my first fair in England not bad very friendly people atmosphere no yobs in (plain) sight families together it was nice. Looking forward to the next... Be there!!! Be green reduce reuse recycle!! Do not waste!! Ciao

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