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Redbridge Green Fair 2007 - In PicturesSubmitted: 27 May 2007

A little unlucky with the rainy weather, perhaps, but many people's spirits were not dampened by this year's Redbridge Green Fair 2007. Some of the features included
  • A solar powered cinema - a pub-style projection screen powered by four solar panels (no mean feat considering the sun seemed to have found a better place to shine today).
  • A hydrogen powered performance tent (clever really - briefly a 'fuel cell' combines oxygen from the air with stored hydrogen gas to produce the power output with the waste byproduct being pure water. But how to produce the hydrogen? A fuel cell running in reverse can split water into it's hydrogen and oxygen components when powered, preferably with solar power to keep it really green)
  • Busy children's area
  • Stalls - health, organic food, free bike repairs, book trading, give-or-take, recycling promotion, information on how to live greener and incorporate into your lifestyle.
  • And...
  • ...yes, there were morris dancers.

The best thing was the bands!

One main stage, one youth stage (young artists), and one acoustic/low power tent. Wandering amongst the tents I caught a little of Cody Lee, a little lad, perhaps 12yrs old unfazed by the relatively large crowds, on his keyboard with Dad I guess providing vocals and enthusiasm when required.

Jumping to the main tent was my highlight of the day, The Flow. Lively, energetic group with showman lead singer lending a hand to the drummer on occasion (see pic).

On the youth stage was 'The Kicks', a band which came with a flyer campaign earlier which included a set list and probably in part due to this was quite well subscribed. Perhaps it's just the nature of today's events but I was asked whether I already had one before being given one, or perhaps they'd realised by that point that had actually given out more flyers than there were people, but nonetheless, the band were promising for the future.

In the hydrogen powered performance tent was the lady billed as 'The Wonderful Nicola', Nicola Parsons, an acoustic guitarist and singer. Later, she did some unexpected overtime by covering an absent band on the main stage and upon arrival quipped 'you may remember me...from over there!', pointing to where she'd performed just a few minutes ago.
< < < Polanski were next on the main stage. Of note, the lead singer tried out a melodica (cross between a harmonica and an accordion) during one of the songs (but was inaudible unfortunately).

Later on were the more hyped acts, like Steve Hooker, and The Others, but could not stay long enough to see them.

Seems the local press were struggling to get some good pictures - stand by for mid-week manufactured photos of kids with Murfey (pictured), a recycling champion and mascot. Also catch the one with the semi-posed child in a rickshaw.

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The Redbridge Samaritans. Mildmay Road, Ilford. (020) 8553 9900. Always there when you need them. Also seeking listening volunteers


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