Ilford Essex in Redbridge Greater London

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Sat 27 Jul, 2024
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Major News

The good and the bad

This week's news in brief!Submitted: 09 Jul 2001

This week's news snippets.
  • In Valentines park there was an attack with a baton.
  • New Woolworth's store has opened where C&A was in Ilford.
  • In March, a 17 year old was killed by a train as his attempt to fare-dodge failed. He sneaked into the station via a hole in the fence, and fell onto the tracks.
  • The mobile phone mast that was due to be placed on Clayhall Avenue has been rejected on grounds of it being too close to houses and too tall.
  • Policemen had to be cut out of their police cars after a high speed ar crash while responding to an emergency call. They were slightly injured.

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