Ilford Essex in Redbridge Greater London

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Sun 16 Feb, 2025
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28/04/2024 22:22:58 JW (email withheld)
Taught at Loxford 1968 to 1970 Billy Seals helped me save a kid from drowning in Gkasbury.
23/03/2023 15:17:27 Yanny (email withheld)
Sad to see the messageboard disappear but hopefully any of you old regulars will get back in contact with me via the new facebook group.... here from you soon Yanny (Iain)
25/12/2022 17:04:28 Julie L. (email withheld)
The WELCOME TO ILFORD Facebook group Is up and running
02/11/2022 13:56:15 Dina (email withheld)
To the Good times , I think often about , never forget , Hope all is well.
09/07/2022 13:17:08 YANNY (email withheld)
very quiet on here as usual.... where have all the flowers gone...?? :(
22/03/2021 14:22:50 John ()
Anyone know a girl called Tracey Lindsell that used to go to the clubs in Ilford late 80’s Met her in Stop Outs , would luv to know wot she’s up to now
14/12/2020 01:48:01 Vince conway (email withheld)
Does anyone know Karen Lambert? She lived in riverdene road Ilford
01/09/2020 16:42:49 Dina (email withheld)
Hope all well with everyone. Hi Nigel. Long time.Years now.😊
21/08/2020 07:51:10 Zena Zeital ()
Would love to meet With old friends Sandra Craske Angela Pillar
04/08/2020 21:18:14 Vince c (email withheld)
Does anyone know Karen Lambert,she lived in riverdene rd
04/08/2020 20:50:15 Vince (email withheld)
Hi Colin!
20/07/2020 12:29:35 Jackie wright ()
If you are Paul from ilford who met me summer 1978 in Torquay and came to stay in farnworth bolton and got me a smurf from Blackpool I would love to Contact you I have never forgot you jackie
28/05/2020 20:36:08 Ronny ()
Lived in Ilford up until 1991 happy memories of the place , please vote for the Ilford Recorder to be digitalised be great to see online
26/09/2019 21:36:10 CLIVE COOPER ()
Anybody out there left form 4A 1959?
15/08/2019 12:42:44 Tony (email withheld)
Went to Loxford 1968 to 1973, From the Boys only to comp, best days of my life. Billy Seals Richard Shell, Micky Young, Billy Evans, list goes on, Great days.

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