Ilford Essex in Redbridge Greater London

  Photos of Ilford Town Hall, Clock on Ilford High Road and The Exchange
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Sat 27 Jul, 2024
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Major News

The good and the bad

Here is a selection of Ilford news. Any major stories, national news concerning Ilford or anything that particularly catches the eye you can count on us to tell you!

This is not meant to be comprehensive weekly news, for that see Wanstead and Woodford Guardian or similar.

Feel free to comment on each story by clicking the link below it!

Interpretation and summary by the author of this site.

Valentines Park

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12 May 2011
08 Apr 2011
12 Mar 2011
19 Dec 2010
20 Nov 2010

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The Redbridge Samaritans. Mildmay Road, Ilford. (020) 8553 9900. Always there when you need them. Also seeking listening volunteers


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